Monday, November 30, 2009

Bah fucking Humbug!

This isn't going to come as much of a shock to anyone reading this, but I am officially boycotting Christmas this year. No Christmas music, no Christmas decorations, no Christmas cookies...nothing. No one else in my family is even the slightest bit enthused about the holiday, and honestly, it's been pretty much nothing but a downer for me for the past few years, since my grandmother died, so what's the point? Why stress myself out to celebrate something I don't even really believe in anyway? I mean, sure, I'll have dinner with my family, if that's what we do. And if they decide to change their minds and actually want to get into the Christmas spirit, I will probably join in on the festivities. But I'm done trying to make this happen. Kinda like I'm done with everything else. Who cares anymore?

1 comment:

  1. Weirdly, I feel somewhat similar about Christmas. I used to get all excited, not be able to sleep the night before, got really spazzy about choosing presents for people, counting down the days even months away from the actual date. Now though? Christmas is just sneaking up on me. I'm not really fussed about it because it's not really a family thing anymore. I mean, Vanessa has split the family ever since she took a dislike to Richie {for no reason at all}, which has caused a constant rift between Stacey and Vanessa. Last Christmas they were here in halves. I mean, yeah we'll still put the lights up and the tree and what not, but that's only because Mum is so into it, but even her interest is slowly disappearing. So yeah, I can understand not really caring about it anymore. It's kind of exhausting actually, freaking out about what to get everyone, putting up decorations and going to various parties to socialise. It can be fun but it just seems to be a waste of time, you know? I'd prefer to celebrate Tuomas' birthday with you and leave it at that <3
